Week 15 of 2021 – Project 365

Sunday 11th April – Day 100

A quiet day really. Published a post in my Muslim Mums in Business series. Then ‘glitterfied’ a decoration we had for Ramadan. It was the boring MDF colour but Bee wanted to bling it up. You can see the before and after in our Instagram Reel.

Monday 12th April – Day 101

Was a sunny day so headed over to the parents for a bit. Left Bee there while myself and the eldest popped to a local shop that had opened today and had a discount of 25%. Got her Eid clothes sorted and got tempted by an outfit myself…although not sure if it will still fit in 4 weeks as not sure how big I will be by then. Love these tulips in their garden…they had some red ones too but they had died out.

Tuesday 13th April – Day 102

Back to school for the girls today. Ramadan started for some today and some will start tomorrow. There is always a difference of opinion about when the moon has been sighted which results in the different start dates. Was a relaxed day and decided to just chill and watch Netflix as was nice to have the house to myself again. In the evening a lady delivered some chicken rolls I had ordered ready for Ramadan and for the eldest as she likes them. I am too lazy to make them myself!

Wednesday 14th April – Day 103

Ramadan started today. Hubby and the eldest are fasting but I can’t risk it with my diabetes and pregnancy. I already have the diabetes team monitoring me weekly to see if I need to go on Insulin and I want to keep away from that as long as possible. Although I am not fasting there are other things I can do such as remembering Allah more and reading the Quran. Started the Quran today with the aim of finishing it by the end of the month. The next 30 days are generally going to be quiet with not a lot happening.

Thursday 15th April – Day 104

The girls have countdown to Eid boxes. Bee has one with hair accessories and other small bits while the eldest has a chocolate one which both girls share as enough chocolate to go around. Bee was pleased with the butterfly clip she found in her pouch in the box today and wore it to school. Bee finally went back to karate today too. Her dad had today off work so he took her which saved me from having to go. She was glad to get back and see everyone.

Friday 16th April – Day 105

Not much happening today either really. Prayed, read my Quran, published a guest post about Ramadan in Istanbul and then took Bee to karate in the evening. I had received some books I had ordered yesterday, a couple for me and 2 for the girls, so got started on reading one today while I waited for her finish. She came out excited that she had been asked to be a dragon helper which means she helps out with the younger and lower belt classes. It does mean though that she would be at karate from 4pm to 7.30pm on Thursdays. Am a bit worried that it may be too much for her but she wants to give it a go so will try it next week.

Saturday 17th April – Day 106

Karate agin in the morning for Bee. She was complaining she was a bit achey but thats what happens when you go back after a long period of doing nothing. Made her go and she was fine. We have worked it out so her dad drops her off as he goes to work and then I can pick her up which saves me hanging about for 2 hours. Thought about doing some gardening in the afternoon after watching the funeral of the Duke of Edinburgh but it was a bit cold and there is frost forecast the next few mornings so didn’t want to plant out the sunflowers. Noticed that our pepper plant from last year seems to have a pepper finally. It is also my 16th wedding anniversary. We usually don’t do a lot and sometimes go out for a meal but with it being Ramadan and restrictions still in place that didn’t happen. Plus with it being the weekend and busy hubby wanted to work.

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