New Baby!

Asalaam Alaikum No I haven’t given birth! That would be news to me too! But my best friend gave birth over a week ago alhamdulillah! I am still to go see my new niece but the weather seems to have other ideas. I am not keen to travel to another city in the snow. The

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Asalaam Alaikum! It has snowed!! And I don’t think we have seen the last of it. I have a ‘bah humbug’ attitude to snow. I don’t like it and thats putting in mildly!! What’s to like? Slipping and almost  breaking your leg, travelling at 5 miles an hour in the car when it’s really bad??

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Proud Mummy Moment!

Asalaam Alaikum So those of you who are mummies can know what a tiring job it can be but alhamdulillah so worth it! My munchkin who is 4 has just been awarded her first merit certificate at school! (No idea what that is but hey it’s good!) She is going to be presented it in

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Asalaam Alaikum and Welcome to My Blog

Asalaam Alaikum and welcome to my blog! InshAllah my first post finds you all in the best of health and imaan! Well heres me in the wonderful world of blogging. I tried before when a friend suggested I blog about my work. I  started it, did about 3 posts and then forgot about it. Well

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