Polygyny Series – When Polygyny goes wrong (post 5)

The 5th post in the series by Sister H When Polygymy Goes Wrong When polygyny is practised as it should be according to the Qur’aan and the Sunnah, then it is a beautiful thing. Whenever we hear polygyny horror stories, it is because at least one of the involved parties failed to follow shari’ah prescribed

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Polygyny Series: A sisters perspective (post 3)

The third post in a guest series by Sister H Changes which Polygyny brings to your Marriage One of the most difficult things for first wives to adjust to is the change in the dynamic of their relationship with their husband. When you were the only wife, the 2 of you were best friends who

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Polygyny Series: A sister’s perspective, Post 2

This is the second post by Sister H in our Polygyny Series following on from her first: What would you want to know? Sexual Reality of a First Wife Regardless of how you enter into polygyny, the fact is that once you are there, there are going to be adjustments, and lots of them for

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Polygyny Series: A Sisters Perspective (Post 1)

My blog is generally about my life and I do not focus it on religion. However, while chatting to a fellow sister, I agreed to do a series of posts of Polygyny. Polygyny is allowed in Islam. However it is brushed under the carpet by many, and misunderstood by plenty of others. So InshAllah we

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