How to make the most of Ramadan when you are not fasting.

Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “When Ramadan begins, the gates of Paradise are opened. Narrated Abu Huraira Sahih al-Bukhari 1898 Ramadan is such an important month in the Muslim Calendar, there is excitement in the air when it is due to arrive and muslims look forward in anticipation for a month of worship and fasting. It

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The Blessings of Baby Girls in Islam

‘Never mind. In sha Allah next time you will be blessed with a baby boy’. That is one of the comments I had to hear when I gave birth to my second daughter. I come from a culture where growing up I saw how much importance was given to baby boys. Sweets were handed out

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Celebrating Eid While Staying at Home

This Eid is going to be very different for many, especially those still in ‘lockdown’. Recently I have been seeing posts and comments from people saying they will not be celebrating as it feels wrong with people around the world suffering.

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Childrens Books Relating to Hajj

I have said before that growing up there were not many (if at all any) children’s Islamic books. Now our children are getting a range of books to help with their Islamic studies. With hajj coming up I thought we would share some of the books we have relating to the hajj.

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