Tips for a good night’s sleep

Disclaimer: I am no means an expert, these are just things that have worked for me. This page may contain affiliate links to amazon products. Want a good night’s sleep? With such busy lifestyles, sometimes sleep is not prioritised. However, sleep is so important as it helps rest the body and mind, which in turn

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6 Tips on How to Study When You Have Children

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post and the author’s views here do not necessarily reflect those of the blog owner. Going to university has many benefits. As well as helping you to gain the essential skills and knowledge you’ll need in your career and working life, such as communication, organization, and teamwork, it can also

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Tips for dealing with colic

This is a collaborative post One of the parts of motherhood I did not enjoy was seeing the girls go through colic. My youngest did not suffer as much as my eldest and it was a tough time to go through. It always seemed to happen in the evening, after 8pm and often left us

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Job hunting tips

I am currently a stay at home mum. And I won’t hesitate to admit that sometimes I do find it difficult. Very difficult. Having worked since leaving university and even after having Munchkin (although I went to part time), I found it really difficult when I was made redundant while on maternity leave a year

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