Orphans in Need – name a brick campaign

I have previously mentioned this charity before and you can read about it here.

The charity are now holding a ‘Name a Brick’ campaign to raise money to build an orphan village.

Taken from their Facebook page:

Orphans in Need have launched a new campaign where you can “Name A Brick” that will contribute towards the construction of our Orphan Village in New Delhi, India.
Children from the Orphanage will scribble your/donors name onto the building, declaring your/their sincere support in the welfare of the orphan children.
to get involved please email “getinvolved@orphansinneed.org”. We are aiming to get 10,000 bricks names and the campaign is only running for 1 month! Please spread the word and request a sheet to help us fill the names in…!!!!

Alternatively I should be getting hold of a sheet so you can contact me if you want to take part and wish to purchase some bricks.Photobucket

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