2011 – New Year

Asalaam Alaikum
A new year, a new start. Well that’s what everyone says.
In the Islamic calendar the new year was last month. As a Muslim I don’t celebrate January 1st as the new year, i.e I don’t stay up until midnight and party! 

However, the western calendar is one we follow on a daily basis throughout our life so really you can’t stop thinking of it as a new year.
2010 is the year I started my blog. I hadn’t intended to, it just kind of happened and I thought it probably wouldn’t last beyond the first post! I had never realised how ‘big’ blogging is and have come across quite a few interesting blogs and now spend a lot of time reading them. InshAllah I hope to continue with my blog throughout 2011 and improve it as I go along and make it more interesting! Any feedback appreciated.
2010 has been a tough year. I’m not saying that because I’m ungrateful as I know I am a lot luckier than some. 
I am determined to make 2011 better inshAllah.
To do this I’m going to focus simply on hubby and munchkin and forget about anyone else if they try to give my family grief. As long as us 3 are happy then nothing else matters.

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