Sorry….. do I know you??

Asalaam Alaikum
Totally random blog post today!! 
Has it ever happened to you? When someone comes up to you and greets you…… and you have NO idea whatsoever who they are?
Decided to pop into town tonight as it was late night shopping. Stopped at a shop that sells cakes and rolls etc and when the girl at the till saw me her eyes lit up… ‘Hello stranger! How are you?’ She seemed sooo happy to see me.
There’s me looking around to see if she is actually talking to someone behind. No..I’m the only one there.
‘Ummm…. yeah good thanks…. how are you?’ 
All the time still frantically trying to get my brain to function to remember who on earth this girl is.
She then asks if I’m still there. By this I assume she means where I work. So I just say yes… still totally clueless as to who she is.
She spots my daughter and then tries to talk to munchkin who promptly hid behind me. ‘So you just have the one?’
‘Ummmm …yes…. ‘
Thankfully I then got saved by another customer!
My hubby asked me who it was. He thinks I should have said sorry I don’t recognise you….. but I would feel a bit embarrassed to do that!
3 hours later I’m still wondering who she was!

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