Cleaning Frenzy!

Asalaam Alaikum/Hi all

Oh gosh I think I overdid it today with the cleaning. I must admit I have recently let things go abit and today just thought this is ridiculous.

I’m the first to admit I hate cleaning. After coming home from work, cooking and dealing with munchkin I don’t particularly fancy cleaning and will find any excuse to put it off.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not living in a pigsty or anything! (Just incase you are now thinking I never clean!!!) I just only do what is necessary and don’t feel like everything has to be spotless all the time. In other words I’m not walking round after the family with disinfectant in one hand and sponges in the other.

Today I decided the kitchen needed a DEEP clean, along with the bathroom.

My cupboards are full of cleaning products and wipes which I have somehow managed to collect. Everytime I went shopping I used to buy them if they were on offer.

I was impressed with these 2 products so just had to share them. Yes I am mad for doing a blog post on cleaning products but if you are like me then you will appreciate finding some products that will make life a bit easier for you!!

The CIF bathroom spray is great!! Hardly any elbow grease required and the wipes really do make life easy, although perhaps not so good for the hands!!

(google images)

Right I am now off to rest my aching joints!!

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  • Dear sister, Thanks for sharing these tips šŸ™‚ I also cleaned the house today!
    I don't like cleaning much, but I do it at least once or twice a week. For the bathroom and the kitchen I use sprays from AJAX. They're really great!! Before I used liquid Cif, which I wasn't that fond of. It was hard to remove, but AJAX spray is heavenly. Lol. Seems like the Cif spray works just as well šŸ™‚
    Take care and good luck with the rest of the cleaning.

  • JazakAllah khair for dropping by my blog!

    I have never used Ajax before, will check that out to! I am always happy to try different products to see what works best for me!

  • I bet now you feel like you can breathe better though! I always find after I have done a nice clean, that I can relax much easier.

  • Yep totally. I am now not thinking constantly the kitchen needs a proper clean and then shoving the thought to the back of my mind!!

  • oh i love cif! the oven cleaner is fantastic too! just spray it all over, leave over night and wipe with a cloth, couldn't get any easier than that lol