Ramadan Mubarak!!

Asalaam Alaikum!
Just wanted to wish everyone Ramadan Mubarak!!
InshAllah may we make the most of this blessed month and may Allah subhana wa taala accept our fasts and prayers. Ameen.
Just briefly, for my non muslim followers, Ramadan is a very important month is which muslims fast from sunrise to sunset.
For those that are interested below are a few links of other blogs which have a bit more info on ramadan.
Marie over at The Colour of our Skin has a wonderful guest post by sis Zarina. You can find it here.
Sis umm-imran has a number of hadiths on her blog regarding ramadan. These can be found here.
Sis Ponn over at American Muslim Mom Blog has a number of articles and tips:
Ramadan is Greater than the Goal of Weight Loss: Tips
99 Tips to help kids fast during Ramadan
Enjoy reading them all.
Finally I am not sure how often I will get online during ramadan so forgive me if I am not commenting as much – for some reason I cannot comment on blogs with my phone. I probably will continue to do some blog posts now and then.
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