One month on…..

Asalaam Alaikum and hello all!

Just a quick update as I know I have kind of been missing in action but munchkin 2 has been keeping me busy.

Alhamdulillah she is 1 month and 5 days old now.

The poor thing has already had a cold. Her sister picked it up from school and passed it on to her. We had a few difficult days but alhamdulillah she is now fully recovered. Luckily I did not catch it and alhamdulillah I am fortunate to have a family nearby who have been helping me lots.

She has been weighed and putting on weight nicely alhamdulillah. I am getting a few smiles and she has been making cooing noises already.

I can already see some of her personality showing mashAllah and I think she is going to be a tough cookie!

We have her 6-8 week check this week and I also will be tested to see if the diabetes has gone or if I now permanently have it. InshAllah it has gone.

Munchkin 2 loves her BUT she does get slightly jealous, especially when my sister pays munchkin 2 some attention.

Hope all of my regular followers are well and sorry that I have not been commenting on your blogs…inshAllah I will be back to normal soon! xxPhotobucket

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