Selling items on a well known site

I decided to do a bit of selling to make some pennies.
With my first child I gave away all her clothes to charity as she outgrew them and and just kept a few things for sentimental value. This time I thought why not try selling some of the more expensive items as it is likely I won’t have a job to return to after maternity leave and every penny counts as they say. Plus I am determined to go an a holiday which is not going to visit the in laws.
So I chose to auction them on a well known site.
And I regret it!!
I had a brand new Next outfit (without tags) which I had forgotten about – I tend to put things in the back of the cupboard and forget about them. Having forgotten about it, it had gotten too small. So I thought why not auction it off and start the bidding at £1.99.
It was won for £2.49.
Next thing you know I’m getting an email saying she is not happy because it is used.
And why does she think it is used?!
Because it smells of detergeant.
Ummm ok……
So I explained it probably smells ‘nice’ because it has been amongst washed clothes for the past month. I also re-used an envelope in which a sample of persil and comfort had been sent to me.
She carried on insisting it was used and she will open up a case against me.
Now for £2.49 I was almost tempted to refund her and tell her to keep the outfit. Then I suddenly saw red and asked her to open a case.
As the case progressed she came up with more reasons as to why she felt it was used:
She had found tiny hairs in it.
The colour was faded.
The vest smelt too clean and was worn out.
Take note that none of this had been mentioned to me in her first message.
She wanted a refund.
Well you know where you can go stick your head lady. I am not refunding as it is not used.
All of a sudden she backtracked and said ‘OK I will trust you’ and closed the case.
Now would you have backed down like that if you were convinced that the item was used and in that condition?!
All that for nothing……It really stressed me out!! Seems like anyone can open a case under the option ‘Item not as described’ simply because they change their mind!!

I am linking up this post with Mummy Barrow’s Ranty Friday linky.


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