Drama Festival at school

I am slightly miffed at munchkins school.
They seem to participate in a Drama Festival each year. Now I have no problem with that as I studied Drama for GCSE and gained an A. I also performed at the Oundle Festival with my school mates and we won the competition.
What I am against is forced participation.
My regular followers may remember me ranting about this last year. I posted about it here.
Well the festival is being held again in March this year and her class have been given this poem to learn:  

Charles Causley

Colonel Fazackerley Butterworth-Toast
Bought an old castle complete with a ghost,
But someone or other forgot to declare
To Colonel Fazak that the spectre was there.

On the very first evening, while waiting to dine,
The Colonel was taking a fine sherry wine,
When the ghost, with a furious flash and a flare,
Shot out of the chimney and shivered, ‘Beware!’

Colonel Fazackerley put down his glass
And said, ‘My dear fellow, that’s really first class!
I just can’t conceive how you do it at all.
I imagine you’re going to a Fancy Dress Ball?’

At this, the dread ghost made a withering cry.
Said the Colonel (his monocle firm in his eye),
‘Now just how you do it, I wish I could think.
Do sit down and tell me, and please have a drink.’

The ghost in his phosphorous cloak gave a roar
And floated about between ceiling and floor.
He walked through a wall and returned through a pane
And backed up the chimney and came down again.

Said the Colonel, ‘With laughter I’m feeling quite weak!’
(As trickles of merriment ran down his cheek).
‘My house-warming party I hope you won’t spurn.
You MUST say you’ll come and you’ll give us a turn!’

At this, the poor spectre – quite out of his wits –
Proceeded to shake himself almost to bits.
He rattled his chains and he clattered his bones
And he filled the whole castle with mumbles and moans.

But Colonel Fazackerley, just as before,
Was simply delighted and called out, ‘Encore!’
At which the ghost vanished, his efforts in vain,
And never was seen at the castle again.

‘Oh dear, what a pity!’ said Colonel Fazak.
‘I don’t know his name, so I can’t call him back.’
And then with a smile that was hard to define,
Colonel Fazackerley went in to dine.

I looked at the poem and I was in complete and utter shock. 
I, as an adult, would struggle to memorise that. And they are asking 6 and 7 year old’s to learn it? How much time are they yet again going to waste during the day to learn this; when they should be aiming to get good results in their SAT’s. We have been sent 3/4 letters reminding us how important this year is as they have exams so no child will get permission for holidays during term time, yet they have time to faff around stressing out the children who are not good at memorising.
And yet again we are expected to take the children into school again on a weekend.  I get stressed with the baby doing the school run every day; there is no way I am going to voluntarily do an extra day.

I am planning to speak to some other parents tomorrow. And if they are also not happy I will be having a word with the school.Photobucket

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