Trip to the park

We have spent most of winter cooped up indoors. I hate the cold as I pick up colds easily. However this weekend I was on a mission to take munchkin to the park, come rain and shine. We are all missing my parents who have gone abroad for 2 months so we all needed a bit of cheering up.
It was slightly cold but it was nice to have the park to ourselves. Although one woman smoking annoyed me as a sign up clearly requests you do not smoke near children. We just ended up going to a different section of the park.
I thought I would share some of our pictures:

She decides to get off just when I’m about to take a picture!

The park also has some birds, we love going to see them.
Although we didn’t stay for long it was nice to get some fresh air and have some outdoor fun.
Oh and I couldn’t resist a quick go on the see-saw myself while noone else was around!!
I am linking this post with Country Kids from Coombe Mill. Go check out what outdoor fun other bloggers have been having.

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall Photobucket

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  • I love that you still have a little bit of kid in you and had to have a go yourself, just like me on our zip wire. I think the kids appreciate it when you join in with things too. Shame about the smoker apart from that it looks like a lovely park for a little winter fresh air. Thank you for linking up with me on Country Kids.

  • This looks a really good park. How annoying about the woman smoking. I too am glad the sun is back on more trips to the park, we went in the rain but couldn't stay long because it was too cold.