Day out to Woburn Safari Park

During the recent Easter holidays, I must confess we did not do much even though it was almost 3 weeks holiday. I was initially recovering from a severe cold, then I decided I should chop my finger with a vegetable peeler so struggled to do anything!
But we decided we had to take munchkin somewhere as it wasn’t really fair on her.
As we had some Tesco vouchers we decided to use them to exchange for tockens to Woburn Safari Park. I absolutely love the Tesco Clubcard reward system as we have had numerous days out using them. Day’s out aren’t cheap, and the vouchers take the edge off the cost. The reward scheme meant we used just £18 of vouchers for entry for the 3 of us (Bee was free). 
We had been to Woburn before with the local children’s centre when Munchkin was about 3, so it was still all exciting for her as she couldn’t remember much about it. 
She found it exciting when we drove around the road safari as we could get up close with the animals. I must admit I did find the rhino slightly scary as s/he was right next to our car. The monkeys were walking all over the place and we saw one on sitting on the roof of a car playing with the car aerial. Hubby was happy that none decided to play on his car. 
It was amazing getting close to the tigers and the lions; the lions were just sitting and chilling and didn’t seem bothered by all the cars next to them.
Once you have finished with the road safari ( you can go around it as many times as you want), you can park the car to walk about the rest of the zoo and see the remainder of the animals. They have many shows, such as a sea lion show and an elephant meet and greet.
I think Munchkin’s favourite part was being able to touch the elephant. 

You can see the rest of our photos in our video.

I am also linking up this post with Coombe Mill’s Country Kids, outdoor fun.
Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall Photobucket

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  • I haven't been to Wobern for years but it really is a chance to see some magnificent animals up close. Touching the elephant sounds pretty amazing, certwainly one I haven't done before! Your daughter looks slightly unsure of the parrot at the end there but what an experince for them! Thankyou for sharing on Country Kids.