Friday Wisdom 12/04/13 – The Lullaby Trust

“When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory
becomes a treasure.”
Author Unknown
I am dedicating this weeks Friday Wisdom to Jennie at Edspire. Tragically Jennie lost her 9 month old gorgeous Matilda Mae to SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) in February.
I hadn’t known Jennie or her blog until this tragedy happened but I have been reading her posts since then and her tweets. No mother should have to go through what she currently is.
Sadly SIDS affects many babies. I always thought once you passed the 6 month stage you were safe but I have now been hearing about older babies going up over 18 months who have died. 
Since the loss of Matilda Mae, Jennie has started to work with FSID charity. And this post is all about their relaunch as ‘The Lullaby Trust’. 
‘We have chosen our new identity to help us raise our voice, to ensure that sudden infant death is not ignored or considered to be an issue of the past.
Across the country, over 600 apparently healthy babies continue to die suddenly and unexpectedly every year. This is unacceptable and we want to do all we can to prevent these deaths. We believe that our new identity will help us to reach even more parents with our expert advice on safer sleep for babies. Through greater engagement with families and also with policy makers we hope to achieve our ambition to halve the number of babies dying by 2020′.

Please join the linky at Jennie’s blog, Edspire, to help spread the word about the relaunch of The Lullaby Trust.

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