Shopping at Boots with #cbias

Since Bee has arrived to join the family, I feel like munchkin has been having a bit of a tough time as a lot of my attention has been centred on Bee. And now that she has started crawling, I’m running around like a headless chicken after her.
So I decided that we were in need of some girly time, especially since it is the Easter holidays and due to me catching a severe cold we still hadn’t got out much. We don’t often get to pamper ourselves and as I know munchkin likes nail polish I decided to get her some as a treat.
I am not big on make up myself, but whenever I decide to get any I usually go to Boots. So before we popped to Boots, we had a look at the Boots mobile app to pick some nail polish.
The Boots mobile app is a streamlined version of You can access your account and see how many points you have if you are an advantage card user. It is very easy to use and includes promotions and offers from You can also read reviews and find your nearest Boots if you are unsure where it is! 
Using the app we were happy to see that there was an offer of 3 for 2 on some products and as the nail polish was just for a bit of fun and girly time, I didn’t want to get overly expensive items. We were able to check the prices and see which products were on offer. Once we had chosen what we wanted, off we went to Boots! 
Munchkin was pretty good at deciding what colours she wanted…..I thought we would be there all day but she picked two colours that I personally wouldn’t have! Here’s our little shopping spree, and if you want to see the rest of our shopping trip, you can do so via my Google+ album
We used our advantage card when paying and were selected to enter a survey to give some feedback. A voucher was also given to award extra points at our next shop. You can normally collect 4 points for every £1 you spend. 100 points equals £1 and over the years I have managed to collect quite a bit. Just need to decide what to spend it on now!
So once dad was home and he could look after Bee, munchkin and I spent some quality time together and we decorated her nails. Although I am not a fan of odd colours, she wanted both colours on her nails. As this was all about her, we did as she asked!
Funky nails!!
And as I had some henna in the house we decided to have a bit more fun and decorate her hand too:

I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This content has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias® #CBias #SocialFabric. However. all thoughts and opinions are my own.Photobucket

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