Project 365 – Days 90-96

Day 90 – Munchkin loves her animals and the collection grows on a regular basis….however I feel sorry for all the animals here being circled by the tigers!
Day 91 – The crawling begins! Bee gets something in her sights and off she goes!!

Day 92 – Took munchkin bowling as due to me being so ill we haven’t done much so far in the hols.

Day 93 – Decided to do a spot of gardening and planted our tomato seeds.
Day 94 – Enjoyed some humongous strawberries.
Day 95 – Had to go to the walk in centre as I managed to cut my finger badly with a vegetable peeler!
Day 96 – Now the weather has improved, the rabbit spends a lot of time running around in the garden. Here he is popping into the kitchen to say hello.
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