Review: Walkers Hoops and Crosses

I love crisps, and so does Munchkin.

Yes I know they may not always be the healthiest of snacks but hey, they are fine now and then.

So I was pretty happy to be able to review the new Walkers Hoops and Crosses.

AND we got a monkey!

Although the less said about the fate of the monkey the better:
We were sent the roast beef flavour. In all my years of munching on crisps, I have NEVER tried beef crisps. So I had to decide if I actually wanted to try them; Munchkin point blank refused to eat them. The other issue is that nowhere on the pack does it say that they are suitable for vegetarians. Not that I am a vegetarian, but whatever I eat must be halaal. However, other bloggers in the blogging community had queried this and received confirmation that the crisps are suitable for vegetarians. 
So I was brave and tried them.
And I must admit they weren’t too bad, although I would prefer to try the other flavours which are prawn cocktail and salt and vinegar. Bee decided to snatch one off me and she quite happily munched away and didn’t choke; she sure is a greedy guts. And speaking of munching, these are very similar to Monster Munch texture wise!
The good thing about Walkers Hoops and Crosses is that each bag only has 85 calories. They are also made from wholegrains and have no artificial colours or preservatives. 
So if you are a crisp fan like me, then these are worth trying; I will definitely be trying out the other flavours.
Disclaimer: I was sent a free packets of crisps and was compensated for my time. However all thoughts and opinions are my own. 


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