Growing up and leaving school

Growing up and leaving school

It is Munchkin's final day of infant school. In September she will start juniors. Seriously, where has the time gone? It just feels like yesterday that she was all dressed up in her brand new school uniform, all nervous about going to school.

In the 3 years she has been going to school, I have seen her develop from a shy child, to a confident, outspoken young girl. Never in a million years would I have envisioned her being popular enough to be elected school councillor for her class, or confident enough to contribute in her final goodbye assembly.

From a child who would get nervous about someone even saying hello to her and not even replying to her friends when they said hello on the way to school….(which annoyed the hell out of me)…..well all I can now say is I am proud of her.

Alhamdulillah she is above average in all areas in school except ICT, in which she is average. I cannot be a prouder mum. Even with limited help this year from me as I have been busy with Bee she has excelled and worked hard.

I went to her goodbye assembly on Friday, slightly nervous, as I knew she had a line to say in assembly. Even her teacher was a little bit unsure if she could do it. Imagine our surprise when she stood up confidently, and said her line about the great fire of London, clearly and concisely. I had to swallow a lump in my throat at that point.

I am sure a few mums had tears in their eyes as they performed their goodbye song to the rest of the school.

All I now pray is that she continues to do well in juniors. In sha Allah!

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  • Ahhhhhhhhh time does fly by SO quickly – it sounds like she’s come so far in a year and so lovely to see her confidence grow so much. I can’t believe Z will be starting nursery soon!