Project 365 – Days 195 to 201

Firstly I must apologise if I'm not getting round to everyone's posts as with a clingy baby and Ramadan I'm struggling to get even my own posts done. Will do my utmost to comment this week!

Project 365 - Days 195 to 201
Project 365 - Days 195 to 201
Project 365 - Days 195 to 201
Project 365 - Days 195 to 201
Project 365 - Days 195 to 201
Project 365 - Days 195 to 201

Day 195 (Day 5 – Something crafty) Didn't actually do anything crafty today, but sharing a pic of our Ramadan countdown cups.

Day 196 (Day 6 – Workspace) These days it is my kitchen and nothing but the kitchen!! Here are some meatballs for a meatball curry!

Day 197 (Day 7 – White) Couldn't figure out how to relate white to Ramadan so sharing a pic of some gorgeous white hollyhocks in my garden,

Day 198 (Day 8 – Handwriting) Munchkin wishing everyone Ramadan Mubarak

Day 199 (Day 9 – This happened today) Munchkin left a cupboard door open… Bee got her chance to chuck everything on the floor.

Day 200 (Day 10 – Grateful for) I am grateful for my home and my family. That is all I need and sometimes we forget what is actually important.

Project 365 - Days 195 to 201

Day 201 (Day 11 (Iftar/Evening) More watermelon, cutting in preparation for Ramadan. Don't think we have ever eaten this much watermelon. But so cool and refreshing in this heat

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

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