Ramadan Series: Iftaari around the world, British Paskistani

One of my friend's was kind enough to kick off the series with some of the dishes she has made. She is a British Pakistani, currently living in the UK.

              Watermelon, Melon, Chicken Puff Pastry, Steamed Chicken Legs! Yummy!

Watermelon, Melon, Chicken Puff Pastry, Steamed Chicken Legs! Yummy!

She was kind enough to share her recipe for the steamed chicken legs.




10 pieces chicken leg, whole with cuts

1tbsp tandoori masala

3/4 tbsp yoghurt

3 tbsp olive oil

Teaspoon of saly

Teaspoon of whole garam masala slightly crushed in langri

Teaspoon of dry flaked red chillies




Make a paste with all the ingrediants and cover the chicken legs with it. Leave to marinate if you want or can cook straight away. 

Put in handi (saucepan) and leave on medium gas for 15-20 mins.


When the legs release water, gently turn over and steam again.



If anyone else would like to take part in this series then please contact me via the contact form, or via twitter @muslimmummies

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