So once again Muslim's are thrown into the spotlight through no fault of their own.
Channel 4 has decided that on the first day of Ramadan they will air the azaan (Muslim call to prayer) 5 times a day and after that for just the morning prayer throughout Ramadan. In addition they are showing a number of Ramadan themed programmes – 3 minute films shown daily at around 8pm.
And the ignorant comments have started, such as how people aren't going to watch Channel 4 anymore, boycott Channel 4, how Muslim's are taking over the world, blah blah blah blah blah!
Shut up! Just seriously, shut up!
And that includes the Muslims who are slating the decision too.
At the end of the day, who is going to be watching Channel 4 at around 3am?
I know not me.
A lot of Muslim's don't switch on the TV at all during Ramadan. And if anyone does want to hear the azaan, there are mobile apps, azaan clocks…and Islamic Channels on TV. Channel 4 isn't going to be the number 1 channel for hearing the azaan.
And how many non muslims actually watch Channel 4 at 3am? Or am I missing something here??
I obviously don't know the reasons why Channel 4 have decided to do this. It may just be trying to make an effort for Muslims, or it may be some undercover way of raising more tensions and hatred towards Muslims seeing as tensions are currently high….who knows.
But it's happening. So live with it. It doesn't mean Muslim's are taking over the world. It also doesn't mean that Channel 4 are pandering to Muslims whims… because it makes no difference to us if they are showing it or not.
And seriously, will a minute taken at 3am to air the azaan really make such an impact on you and your viewing?!
I definitely agree Foz!
May you and your family have a blessed Ramadan. XX