Project 365 – Days 209 to 215

Ramadan finishes on Thurs or Fri (how quick has this month gone?!) so until then we are not doing too much so far in the summer holidays, just relaxing at home in the garden in the nice weather.

Project 365 - Days 209 to 215

Day 209 – We got a cat flap fitted so Rosie has the freedom to come in and out as she pleases. She did look confused initially but Bee was quick to work out how it works and was throwing things through it. Luckily she can't fit through.


Day 210 – Having fun with hamas beads.


Day 211 – We have no door between the living room and kitchen and I was getting exhausted by constantly chasing after Bee who would escape via the back door or try to eat Rosie's food. So I put another stair gate up. Here she is sitting there and crying because she can't get through. I later had Rosie crying because SHE couldn't get through. Just had to laugh.


Day 2012 – Nothing like relaxing on the cushion. So wished I was a cat.


Day 2013 – Bee gives me mini heart attacks on a daily basis – she is such a climber!!!

Project 365 - Days 209 to 215

Day 2014 – In all honesty I forgot to take a pic of anything except the pizza at the end of the day!!


Day 2015 – Bee decided if the cat wasn't going to use her bed, then she would try it out. *sigh*

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