Review: The Islamic Greeting Card Store

Review: The Islamic Greeting Card Store

I was recently contacted by a fellow sister who asked if I would like to review her Eid cards. With it being Eid in a weeks time and always keen to help my fellow sisters with their businesses, I was happy to agree.

There are six designs in the Eid card range, which retail at £1.50 each or you can buy a pack of 6 (1 of each design) for £6.99.

Each card is unique, with an eye catching design. They don't have the usual pictures that I have become accustomed to seeing, such as a picture of the Kaaba. The cards are ideal for both adults and children; they are fun yet stylish and colourful.

This sister has worked hard to create her own cards, even learning how to create a website. Her dedication has paid off and she now has a range of cards, which include Eid cards, new baby cards and even Islamic sympathy cards.

Her business started when she decided to design a few cards herself and sell to mums at her children's Islamic school. However when she submitted her cards to an Islamic Card online retailer she was rejected. This did not put her off, but in fact made her set up her own business in May 2011

A busy mum of 4 who became Muslim 13 years ago, she finds her inspiration for the cards by visiting museums and also taking pictures wherever she goes.Her designs her created from scratch using hand drawings or her photography:

From hand drawn pictures to the final product

From hand drawn pictures to the final product

She strictly keeping with Islamic ethos – no faces on her designs and they don't sell non muslim related cards such as birthdays/valentines day etc. Her designs are increasing in popularity and new designs are released frequentlt

Her cards are retailed by Islamic impressions- UK's largest Islamic Store Chain amongst other Islamic Bookshops around the UK.

for further information:

Fb page:

Wholesale enquiries:


If you like the look of the cards then keep a watch out for an exclusive giveaway next month!

Review: The Islamic Greeting Card StoreReview: The Islamic Greeting Card Store
Review: The Islamic Greeting Card StoreReview: The Islamic Greeting Card StoreReview: The Islamic Greeting Card Store

Disclaimer: I was sent some Eid cards for the purposes of review. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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