Homeschooling: Yay or Nay?


It's been something I have been thinking of for a while…..a long while….

And now that I am no longer working, it is something that I could actually do.

But the 24 million dollar question is…….

Can I actually do it?

Homeschooling: Yay or Nay?

I am educated myself. I have a law degree and I also studied for my legal practice certificate. So, putting it bluntly, I am not stupid.

But can I actually teach Munchkin? Am I cut out to be a teacher? Do I have the patience for it?

I am ashamed to admit I do have a short fuse, especially when I am tired, which I am practically all the time these days as Bee STILL isn't sleeping through. So I look forward to the time Munchkin is at school and Bee is asleep to get some peace in the house. So can I actually cope with having them both with me all the time? (Does that make me sound selfish?)

And what are my reasons for wanting to homeschool?

Basically, I am scared.

I am scared of the change I am seeing in her, and its not good.

But then when you come across parents effing this and effing that in normal conversation and also kids verbally abusing their parents then what can I expect from her?

When you see girls all sexualised wearing short skirts at 7 years old, what can I expect?

When kids think its OK to lie to their parents and think nothing of saying words like 'butt' etc then what can I expect?

But then I also start to wonder am I just being an overprotective mother?

I went to school. It never turned me into an evil child. I knew what my parents expected and as a Muslim I knew I shouldn't be playing things like kiss chase in school.

But then I think, things have changed since I was in school.

But then……..

See how I am going round in circles?

What happens if I have another child? I doubt I would have the patience to homeschool, look after a toddler and baby.

What if I don't teach her well enough and she ends up failing in life?

So many 'what if's?

What do I do?

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  • This is a hard choice to make Foz. That’s normal you are asking yourself so many questions.

    I think many women are tempted by homeschooling, but between wish and practice, there’s a gap. We can be educated and not be good at teaching.

    Maybe you should contact Karima on this, as I know she started homeschooling her kids this year. Maybe she can help.

    We can never know what’s the best choice for our kids before making one. But whatever you decide, you’ll make the right one for you and Munchkin.

    Take care. xxx

  • Home educating can feel like a big step, but it is a reversible one and you can always opt back in to school if it makes sense to do so.

    Home education does not *have* to look anything like a school education. You do not have to do set hours, follow a curriculum or be teacher, it can be much more fun and interesting than that! (and thats why a lot of us prefer to call it home education, which is the legal term in this country too, rather than home schooling)

    There are as many different ways to educate as their are families: Some people choose a light structure, following a curriculum for certain subjects that they feel are important (most usually maths and english) and choosing to follow their children’s interests for everything else. Other people choose to follow their children’s interests and learn through living and doing – just the way children normally learn up until going to school. And some people prefer a more structured ‘school at home’ approach.

    The beauty is that home education can be whatever suits your child and your circumstances best and can constantly evolve to fit your children’s needs as they grow and change.

    Often we have come across something that the children have struggled with and decided to leave it for a few months, only to come back and find that they breeze through it easily. I’m a big believer that people learn best when they are ready and willing and that that is a lot more efficient than being sat at school in a different frame of mind because they just aren’t ready at that stage in their life to learn that thing or its 2:30 on a Friday and they are tired or hungry or they’d rather be running around on a sunny day etc..

    We currently take a very child led approach and I see myself as my children’s partner in learning rather than their teacher. I facilitate their interests and introduce them to new and interesting things and often I learn a lot along the way too! We make use of museums, art galleries, public gardens, historical buildings, parks, sports facilities, libraries etc etc, so find a lot of our education is happening out and about – and often in the form of chatting about different topics in the car en route to somewhere!

  • I would say, if you want, you could try it and see how you get on. Perhaps you could speak to other parents that have done the same before you make up your mind?

    I like the idea of homeschooling, but as little man is a single child (so far), I want him to interact with other children, so being at school is the best option for him.

    Whatever you decide, good luck! šŸ™‚ x

  • It is a big decision that needs some thought, I have just started on this journey and I am very excited. As one person already commented on – there are many different ways to do this. To start with I am following a semi-structured way which means I am following the curriculum for 6 year old (Maths and English) and 11 year old (Maths,English,Science) so that if for any reason it doesn’t work out they have not missed anything important if they have to go back to school! Other subjects vary from school to school so you don’t need to follow curriculum for those. In the UK it is really flexible and easy to do. So far my girls are enjoying the flexibility this is providing. There are so many support groups out there now too so you can get advice freely.

  • We home educate and love the freedom that it offers all of us. My children learn what they want, when they want. My son spent hours yesterday on a project that incorporated research skills, history, geography, IT, literacy, art and more and all without me having to push him into it because it was a subject he was interested in. If he’d been in school, that experience would have been cut short for carpet time or phonics or whatever. At home, they can see things through to their completion or go off on another tangeant if they find something else that interests and intrigues them.

    Natural curiosity is amazing! I have learned so much myself as my son has got deeper into subjects that I have not looked at myself before. It really is family learning.

  • Asalamualaykum sis, you sound just like me lol! For me it’s either Islamic School or home ed and its a sclear cut as that but thats does not mean to say i do not feel the anxiety or worries you feel too. And dont worry yourself, you are human at the end of the day so it’s perfectly normal to have those doubts. However dont let our good friend shaytan stop you from doing something that can potentially be an amazing experience for you and your child. I’d advise doing istikhara and i will also say there are so many Muslim mums (and dads) that home ed their kids, u needn’t be qualified although we have established you are more than so, and you do not need to stay at home everyday. Either way ask Allah to guide you to what is good for you and your family and then put your trust in him. You certainly wont be alone šŸ™‚

  • I’m long past this stage (thankfully) but I can’t imagine teaching my own kids. I wouldn’t have had the patience for a start! I also think children need to learn that not everyone is nice or has the same outlook on life and to learn to cope with that from the start.. It’s a crazy world out there and a combination of going to school and firm gently parental guidance worked a treat for us!