Project 365 – Days 293 to 299

Project 365 - Days 293 to 299

Day 293 – Met up with a friend and her girls and ended up going for a long walk. As I hadn't been planning to go for a walk, I had worn my boots with heels so by the time we got home by feet were aching!!

Day 294 – New dressing gown for Bee…..a tad long though!

Day 295 – I wish I was a cat!

Day 296 – I have started organising a monthly meet up with some of my mum friends and here Bee is having some fun.

Day 297 – Couldn't resist!

Day 298 – Sp proud of Munchkin. She received 2 certificates today in her assembly. SHe really is doing well in school. Went to her parents evening earlier on in the week and have been told that she has been put into the gifted and talented group for her writing. MashAllah!

Project 365 - Days 293 to 299

Day 299 – Well what can I say again except *sigh*

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

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