Braving the colder weather, a walk through the park.

While hubby is away I have been making the most of it and meeting up with friends and getting out and about as much as I can. It really has helped pass the time.

We recently met up with a friend and we were trying to decide what to do. She suggested we go to a local country park and have a bit of a walk and a cup of hot chocolate.

Now my mum was a bit over cautious in winter when we were younger and she would avoid going out when it was cold, thinking we would all end up with nasty coughs and colds. I guess some of this rubbed off on me, as my initial reaction was ‘It’s too cold to be outside’.

Then thinking about it it seemed a bit pointless to pay for soft play if we were only going to be there for an hour or so, and we needed to do something fun for the girls.

And I convinced myself it wasn’t too cold!

So off we ventured and my friend bought scooters with her so the kids could use them and have fun.

Braving the colder weather, a walk through the park.

I am so glad we braved the weather. It was nice to catch up with my friend and her girls.And the girls really enjoyed it! They even got hot and bothered with all the scootering around!

I know simply being out in the cold won’t make you ill, but when you have been brought up to think it will, it makes it difficult to get that idea out of your head. Fresh air is good for them, so I will be trying to make more of an effort to get out more in winter…..probably not so much when it is snowing though!! I hate snow.

And the autumn/winter scenery is so lovely at times.

Braving the colder weather, a walk through the park.

The colder weather doesn’t seem to bother Bee. She just wants to go out all the time these day!

Braving the colder weather, a walk through the park.
Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

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  • I don’t like the cold much either but we always have a brilliant time when we make the effort to brave it. I definitely get out and about more now I have children. You pics are lovely and I too love the autumn colours.

  • Well done for getting out, and as you say the girls had a great time and weren’t cold at all. Our children seem to not feel the cold and run around without jumpers and coats on half the time. It can be so refreshing and rewarding to get outdoors in the autumn and blow away the cobwebs. Thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.

  • What a pretty park! I think the problem with the cold and catching colds is that kids often run around, get warm, and then think its ok to take off their coats etc… my little monkey did that on friday and now he’s all snuffly and cough-y …. oh well hopefully he’ll learn! lol x

  • I tend to love going out in the cold during winter. It can be tricky with kids. But after all, kids don’t care much the cold. And it seems you all had a great day!

    You’re right winter scenery is beautiful!

    Have a lovely week Foz. x