CLOSED – Personal Planner: Review and Giveaway

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I am pretty disorganised when it comes to the blog (should I actually be admitting that?) Lately it seems to have taken a back seat, especially with the hubby being away as when I have some spare time he has been skyping etc.

So my aim for the new year is to focus more on the blog and plan things, rather than have blog posts floating around my mind which are soon forgotten about, or have reviews that sit around waiting to be written up because I am so not organised. What better way to do this than by using a planner?

So when Personal Planner offered me a planner, I jumped at the chance to try to start getting organised.

CLOSED - Personal Planner: Review and Giveaway

What I love about the personal planner is that it is totally customisable! From the front to the back cover, the text you want on the cover, the date you start your planner, even the colour of the elastic that holds your planner securely together. So the planner will be totally unique to you.

Creating the planner is simple to do. You use the software on their website to design the planner how you want it.

There are different sizes to choose from but I decided to go for a small size which retails at £14.95. I wanted to keep it solely for my blog so felt I didn’t need a bigger one. And this size is ideal. It easily slips into my purse, or Bee’s changing bag.

I chose one of the designs on the site for my planner, but you can just as easily add a favourite picture of your own to totally customise it. You can change the text on the front of the planner to name the planner what you like and place it where you like on the front; middle, bottom, left or right.

You can also choose whether you want stripes in your planner or not; i preferred stripes.

CLOSED - Personal Planner: Review and Giveaway

What is also pretty useful for the planner is that you can customise it by adding little boxes for the weather, workout or work. I didn’t feel I needed these so didn’t add them. You can even add personal dates such as birthdays if you log in and create an account.

At the bottom of each page you can add different modules, such as graphs, to do, lists or just simply notes. I chose to put notes as one module to allow me to jot things down. However this is not ideal for the small size planner because the lines end up so close together you would need really tiny handwriting to write anything.

CLOSED - Personal Planner: Review and Giveaway

With the back pages you have option of what you would like; from blank pages to sudoku. I chose an overview of 2014 and 2015 and then sudoku!

You can personalise the first page to say what you like, adding your contact details if your planner gets lost and you can pick the theme throughout the whole planner. I picked a pretty pink theme….I think the girls are influencing me when it comes to pink! I was never into pink this much myself!

I absolutely love this planner. They are cute as you can make them, sturdy as they are protected with a plastic sleeve and the pages are of good quality. I look forward to using it come January 2014!

CLOSED - Personal Planner: Review and Giveaway
CLOSED - Personal Planner: Review and GiveawayCLOSED - Personal Planner: Review and Giveaway


The lovely people at Personal Planner have offered one of my readers a chance to win their own personal planner/notebook in any size. Entry is via rafflecopter below.

UK entrants only.

Giveaway ends 22/11/13 at 12am

WInner has 7 days in which to respond, after which a new winner will be chosen

Winner’s email address will be forward to Personal Planner for the purposes of the digital voucher being emailed to them.

All entries will be checked and if not completed correctly the entry will be disqualified.

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