Project 367 – Days 307 to 313

Project 367 - Days 307 to 313

Day 307 – Rosie deciding that I cannot use the laptop and she goes and sits herself on it.

Day 308 – Bee attempting to climb out of her cot by standing on the bedside table….The table has since been moved!

Project 367 - Days 307 to 313

Day 309 – Went to Van Hage garden centre for breakfast with a friend and Bee was totally fascinated by the Christmas displays and lights!

Project 367 - Days 307 to 313

Day 310 – Bee decided it would be better if she stood on a chair and watched TV, rather than be a normal child and sit on the sofa to watch it.

Day 311 – Popped round to my mums house and I got my budgie out (she was mine until I gave her to my parents). Bee is so not scared of anything and happily had her sit on her arm. Had to be careful though as Bee tried to grab the bird.

Day 312 – We went to baby group and Bee got the flour and herself covered in flour.

Day 313 – Cheeky thing lying there pretending to be asleep.

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