Project 365 – Days 349 to 355

Wooh it is almost the end of Project 365 and can’t believe I actually did it…. However, next year I think I will just do a ‘pick of the week’ photo rather than try to remember to take one every day!!

Day 349 – Hubby came home early from work so we went to Leicester to eat out. On the way home we  spotted a cake shop so just had to stop!

Cake Box egg free cake from Leicester

Day 350 – Final baby group of 2013. Not sure how I’m going to keep her entertained for the next 2 weeks. Then in the evening we popped into town and Bee just loved looking at all the lights.

Queensgate Shopping Centre

Day 351 – Munchkin’s snowman that she made at school. I wasn’t quite sure what to say! lol


Day 352 – Went to have a look at some sofa’s as we needed a new one. As it was after 6pm and the shop was quiet we let Bee walk around. Big mistake as she didn’t walk but was running around everywhere. So rather than look at the sofas, I spent my time running around after her!


Day 353 – Bee was off her food yesterday and today she slept for pretty much the whole day. She was sleepy on the school run then had to bath her as we had a nappy explosion, and she was falling asleep in the bath. She even had a rash on her stomach…thankfully she perked up in the evening. Not sure if it was teething, or some kind of virus. (By the way…why do they insist on sleeping on one corner of the cot with their legs hanging out?!)


Day 354 – With Bee still slightly under the weather and no baby group, we didn’t do much. It was Munchkin’s final day at school so all the crafty stuff she’s been doing came home! Here’s a snowflake she made.


Day 355 – Well the plan today had been to get up early and pop into the shops to get some crafty stuff. Am on a mission to do some crafts with an Islamic theme with Munchkin in the holidays. But Bee has a runny nose and I am ill yet again so we are at home suffering. Great start to the holidays! Just hope Munchkin doesn’t catch it as she has been lucky so far.


TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

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