Day out to Sacrewell Farm

Before our holiday to Turkey we had one week of the Easter holidays to amuse ourselves. Not one for wanting to sit around and do nothing if the weather is nice, we decided to take a trip to a local farm with Munchkin’s school friend and her mum.

Sacrewell Farm is in Thornhaugh, Peterborough and just takes us about 15/20 minutes to get there. So we do tend to visit regularly. The farm is an educational trust and in 2013 it was awarded a Certificate of Excellence by TripAdviser.

This time the girls were excited as we had heard a new play barn had opened so they wanted to go test it out. Once we arrived at the farm we headed straight for the play barn. The girls loved it and Bee had the time of her life climbing everywhere…..not so good for me as I had to chase her around as she is still only little.


We had booked a tractor ride so we didn’t stay in the play area for too long. As it was Easter, the tractor ride included an Easter egg hunt which the girls joined in. Bee, however, did try to eat the plastic eggs that were left around for the children to find and exchange for a prize. The hunt was just a short walk through some trees, with signs hinting where the eggs were and at the end there was an Easter Bunny who gave you a chocolate bunny. You could also have your picture taken with the bunny. This is one thing that did slightly disappoint me…to actually get a copy of the picture you had to pay £8, after having paid for the tractor ride and for joining in on the hunt.  I have no issues with paying….but £8? A fiver would have been more reasonable.

After the tractor trip we decided we would have some lunch. Although there is a cafe we had taken our own picnic. The farm does have areas throughout where you can sit and eat; we ended up just staying by the cars as it was nice and quiet and had our little picnic there…and Bee of course enjoyed running around!



Then it was time to visit the animals. The girls were slightly disappointed as they were not able to feed the animals; on previous visits we were able to buy food at reception and give to the animals around the farm. But they didn’t let that spoil their enjoyment.

We were even treated to a display by one of the peacocks.

Peacock dancing

One of the features of the farm is that it has an 18th century watermill which you can walk around and have a look at. There is a current project ongoing to get it working again as part of their 50 year celebrations so will be visiting again once that is done.

You can teach the kids a bit of history as the rooms all have furniture from the past so the kids can see how past generations lived.

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All in all we had a lovely day out and would recommend a visit. We are looking forward to visiting again once the watermill is running!

DSC_3245 DSC_3184 Pretty flower at Sacrewell Farm




Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

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