Time to start thinking about nursery!

Although Bee won’t be 2 until September, I know it is time to start thinking about nursery. The popular nursery’s end up with long waiting lists so it is best to get names down sooner rather than later.

The question really is when should she start? All children have a free entitlement to funded childcare when they are 3-4 years old but I think we are also eligible for 2 year old funding  now that I am no longer working and our income isn’t that high anymore. I do need to check that, but is it a good idea for her to start so young? Having said that, as she is a September baby I think she wouldn’t be able to start until the following January.

My concerns stem from my experience with Munchkin. She was a June baby and she started nursery the following September. At that time we were eligible for 2 year old funding due to the area we lived in. The first week was a breeze. Other children were screaming and crying and Munchkin was relatively calm.

Then after a week all hell broke loose.

She would wake up crying that she didn’t want to go.

She would cry so much she would vomit at the nursery even before I left her.

That progressed to being sick at home and in the car.

That was it.

I was so not having sick all over my car.

We decided it wasn’t worth it and pulled her out. She didn’t HAVE to go nursery. I was only working part time and my parents were looking after her while I was at work.

And it was the best decision we made.  Why make her suffer for no reason?

We tried again when she turned 3. And no problems.

No major crying tantrums, and best of all no sick!

Bee on the other hand is a very different child. As I am now a stay at home mum, we go to groups almost every day so she is learning to socialise with other children and she is already so much more confident than her sister was at this age.

So today I put her name down for a local nursery. They do not take children until they are 2 years and 9 month so we still have a year to go. The nursery is attached to an adventure playground and a small farm and they hold a toddler group there once a week. The children from the nursery also only attend once a week.

Today we decided to try out the toddler group and Bee loved it! She wandered off and left me too it (although I was following her around as shes still a bit little for some of the play things they have). It makes me think she will do fine at nursery once she starts.

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And then they opened the farm for an hour! They had sheep, rabbits, guinea pigs, a goat, ducks, chicken, and even a Turkey (and boy was he slightly ugly)!

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Although I didn’t get to visit the actual nursery we saw the children playing out, and I have to say they had a huge play area and all the children looked like they were having lots of fun!

Hopefully Bee will get a place here as I think she will enjoy it so much with the play area and the animals! The lady seemed to think she should get a space! Fingers crossed!


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