Free Palestine: Blog Hop

Last year a Gaza Awareness week was held where we attempted to raise awareness of the plight of Palestinians.

A few other bloggers took part and I have added the links below again so you can read them all.
We are hoping to do this again, in a bigger scale.

So fellow bloggers….whether you are  Muslim or not, please join in.

Raise your voices and be heard.

If nothing else let us raise awareness for the suffering and injustice that is happening right now in Palestine.

My heart breaks at seeing images of children, with limbs torn off….the one that stays in my mind is of the headless little girl being held by her father.

How can you ignore this???

Join me in letting the world know what is happening seeing as the media appears biased!!


Free Palestine!!!


A new blog hop linky will be set up in the next few days….start writing!


photo credit: chrisjohnbeckett via photopin cc


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  • So much hatred and violence against people who only wish to live a normal life. I wonder when this will cease. I wonder when people will understand that such a behaviour will not change anything and will only lead people to more anger and suffering.
    If we only have our words and prayers, may we raise our voices, may we pray with all our hearts.
    Good initiative Foz.