Day Out to Twinlakes

We wanted to make the most of our summer holidays and in the final week we decided to go to Twinlakes which isn’t too far from us.

And there was an online sale of 35% off tickets.


Twinlakes is in the East Midlands and states that it is the ‘No 1 all action, family, tourist attraction, providing great days out, where the fun never stops!’

There are rides, a farm and a short scenic train ride around part of Twinlakes.

Bee got in free, and that was because of her height. She basically could not go on anything, not even with a parent with her. So she only really got a ride on the train. However there are play areas for children under 5 so she managed to have sun fun on the climbing frames and slides. She also liked the sandpit area.

Munchkin got to go on most of the rides, well the rides she wasn’t afraid of, and I got dragged onto the roller coaster and the pirate ship. If you are looking for a park with masses of rides then this probably isn’t the place for you, especially if you have older children who are after the thrill seeking rides. The main 3 big rides are the pirate ship, rollercoaster and the log flume. We decided not to get wet, plus the queue was pretty long. However, there is plenty to keep you occupied throughout the day.

The large slide was a disappointment. It is one of munchkins favourites and she rushed to take a mat to slide down with…..however it was not slippery at all and she ended up having to drag herself down with her hands. Everyone was looking disappointed as they got to the end.

There are also a couple of indoor sections with small fairground type rounds like a small wheel for the younger children and swings. These include soft play areas so there is plenty of variety at Twinlakes and enough to keep children entertained.

There is a new waterpark at Twinlakes. Ideal for the hot summer days! However, we didn’t take the girls swimming costumes so we avoided it, plus it wasn’t a particularly hot day on the day we went.

In all honesty my favourite part was the farm. We were slightly gutted that we missed out on the lamb feeding. The lamb feeding was only available if you managed to get a token. By the time we arrived to Twinlakes, all the tokens had gone. We also didn’t attend any of the shows, which included a bird display, but this is only because we have seen most of them before.

Bee just climbed on anything she could
Come on horsey, go faster!
The peacocks were roaming around freely
I find these soooo cute
Baby rabbits fast asleep
So adorable I wanted to take him home
Surveying everyone around him!
This one was very friendly, Bee loved him and tried to climb in!
Greedy one asking for food
Noisy things!
I found his colouring so lovely!
The girls enjoyed playing with the sand
They had a duck following them around - you could buy food to feed them with
They had a duck following them around – you could buy food to feed them with
Train ride
Bee stole my slushie and wouldn't give it back
Bee stole my slushie and wouldn’t give it back

One of the complaints I have is the food. I feel it was overpriced but my major moan is that you were only able to get a fizzy drink with the kids meal!! My girls don’t drink fizzy at all, the eldest by choice now as she says she doesn’t like it. So my hubby got the drink and drank it himself. There are plenty of areas to sit and eat so will definitely be taking a picnic if we go again.


Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

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