Project 365 – Days 18 to 24

In all honesty another relatively quiet and boring week! Picked up another cold half way through so been feeling sorry for myself again.

Days 18 -24


Day 18 – 18th January 2015

A quiet day uneventful day spent at home on hubby’s day off. At the end of the day realised I had forgotten to take a picture so you have one of Rosie! I am sure she poses when I whip my phone out!

Day 19 – 19th January 2015

After nursery Bee managed to get some crayons from her sisters room. She had already scribbled on the wall before but now she has added to it! Will be painting in the summer again I guess!!

Day 20 – 20th January 2015

Went to our local small carpet shop as need a rug for the conservatory…the tiles are too cold! Bee was in her element and tried balancing on a piece of rolled up carpet.

Day 21 – 21st January 2015

Girl’s haircut today! Bee got the receptionist playing with the toys with her. Had to distract her with my phone so we could cut some of the wispy bits off her hair. The hairdresser didn’t cut too much saying it was better to let it grow a bit more.

Day 22 – 22nd January 2015

I have moved the toys from under the stairs to the conservatory, as the under the stairs cupboard is needed for things from the garage as work will soon be starting to convert it into a bedroom. Today I let Bee play with then and she of course promptly made a mess.

Day 23 – 23rd January 2015

Day of cleaning to be honest. Was on a mission to get the kitchen spotless. As soon was it was clean I promptly smashed a bowl of spaghetti everywhere!!

Day 24 – 24th January 2015

Took Munchkin horse riding in the morning and then my cold was worse so just rested at home. In the evening Rosie snuggled up to me. She is so loving.


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  • oh dear at dropping the spaghetti, thats the sort of thing I do – never on a clean floor though.
    Bea is being her usual monkey self I see, I adore reading what she is getting up to.
    The work in the house really creates upheaval doesn’t it, not sure I would have the patience for a conversion a window and a few doors was enough for me.

  • Sounds just like my week – running fast to stand still with cleaning and tidying! Yes, we never think to take them to carpet shops but of course they’re so much more interesting than a soft play! Lovely pictures showing what 365 is all about – hope you are on the mend soon