Things to have in your kids art and craft box

So back in December 2013 I made a decision that I would do at least one bit of crafts a month in 2014 with the girls and blog about it. And I even gave it a name: Let’s get crafty.

So how did I do with it?

*hangs head in shame*

We didn’t even manage to do anything in the first month. We started a project but we never completed it. We also tried to follow some crafts we spotted on Pinterest but they were an epic fail. So I just conveniently forgot about my decision.

That is not to say the girls didn’t get to do anything crafty. Bee gets to do them at her toddler group and now she has started nursery too. And Munchkin does crafts at school. But yes I know I should make more of an effort at home. I have no problem with messy and sensory play, I am just not very crafty!

Munchkin does like to create stuff and whenever we go to our local Tesco and pass any crafty bits and art supplies for kids (a bigger range can be found online at Tesco Direct), she usually asks if she can get something. So while shopping and also going to local hobby shops we have actually managed to build up a supply for arts and crafts activities.

So here are our personal essentials that we have managed to collect and are ideal to have if you aren’t very crafty:

  • Glue
  • Glitter
  • Pipe Cleaners
  • Tissue paper
  • Googly eyes
  • Feathers
  • Paint
  • Paint brushes
  • Sponges
  • Beads and Buttons
  • Stickers
  • Scissors
  • Card
  • Pencils and crayons
  • Ribbons
  • Lollipop sticks
  • Straws
  • Paper plates

With just these few items children can let their imagination run wild and create all sorts.

Art and craft activities don’t have to be elaborate. It can be as simple as painting hands and feet and making prints!

Foot and handprints


We will definitely be making more of an effort to do crafty activities at home this year!


Disclosure: Written for Tesco

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