Project 365 – Days 333 to 339

Another quiet week for Project 365 as Bee has been unwell and we spent most of the week at home. Again.

days 326 - 332

Day 333 – Sunday 29th November

Bee was still unwell so we spent it at home while hubby took Munchkin to her grandparents house to see her cousin who was there for the day. So we were all relaxing on the sofa and Bee put a blanket on Rosie too who had joined us.

Day 334 – Monday 30th November

Quiet day at home – cooked some chicken mince today to have with pasta. First time cooked with chicken mince and it actually turned out nice.

Day 335 – Tuesday 1st December

Didn’t take many pics today but you have one of Rosie today. Love this cat!

Day 336 – Wednesday 2nd December

Been a bit down due to the illness in the house so hubby got me some chocolate.

Day 337 – Thursday 3rd December

Tried to get Bee to get to go nursery today as she was feeling much better. But she threw a major tantrum. Didn’t have the energy to deal with it so just told the nursery she will be back next week. Hubby could see I was getting stressed so got me more chocolate. That actually got me more stressed as trying to cut down on the chocolate but as he was being kind I didn’t say anything!

Day 338 – Friday 4th December

Poor Rosie gets a lot of grief off Bee. Here she is getting covered with toys. She did eventually shake them off and go out!

Day 339 – Saturday 5th December

Hubby decided to take today off instead of Sunday. He wanted to take the girls to Cambridge to the ice rink there but as it was so windy and I wasn’t feeling too great I decided against it. I decided to use hubby’s blood test machine to test my sugar levels. I have been feeling quite unwell recently especially after eating sweet stuff but I was in denial that my diabetes could be back (had gestational diabetes). But it seems it may be as my levels were high….higher than they were when I had GD. So looks like I need to get tested properly next week.

Took the girls to Toys R Us to get them some games to keep them occupied.Operation has changed. Vibrates rather than buzzes loudly and instead of bones and brains its things like birds, dogs, mobile phones that you have to get out!

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  • Eek hope the diabetes check goes ok. I have one in about two weeks and I have cut down a lot of sugar but I still like it every so often, especially in chocolate form :). I feel like pasta now!

  • Maybe the diabetes being back is what is making you feel crap all the time, yes I think you should go and get tested, one way or the other it will let you know.
    Oh dear at Bee throwing a tantrum.
    Maybe need to start asking hubby for chunks of chicken for a treat….lol
    Have to say I am a steak mince lover and would eat it seven days a week.