Project 366 – Week 1

A quiet start to 2016 to be honest! But we usually have a quiet Christmas holidays. I hibernate, to avoid the rush and sales! Been debating whether to do 366 or Project 52, but decided to go for 366 and see how it goes again.

Day 1 – Friday 1st January 

It was my dad’s birthday today. We don’e celebrate birthdays in a big way but popped to Tesco and got a cake for him. Any excuse for cake really.

Tesco Cake

Day 2 – Saturday 2nd January

A quiet day at home. Girls were happy to play so I got on with blog stuff. Although Rosie had other ideas.

Rosie the cat

Day 3 – Sunday 3rd January

Rainy day. Popped to Kiddicare to check out some car seats. Bee is 14kg and next stage is 15kg so thought I would wait for that 1kg!  Forgot to take a picture all day so took one at bedtime.


Day 4 – Monday 4th January

Rosie knows how to relax……

Relaxing Rosie

Day 5 – Tuesday 5th January

Girls back to school and nursery so had a quiet couple of hours to myself. Over the holidays I finally got round to sorting out a photobook with my Dubai photos. Quite pleased with how they turned out.

Dubai Photobook

Day 6 – Wednesday 6th January

I ordered some Yankee candles and votive holders from the sale! They arrived today! Turned into a bit of a Yankee Candle fan! Had a blood test in the morning….for diabetes but wasn’t sure why as had one less than a month ago. They were meant to check my blood pressure and my feet….still don’t know if an eye referral has been made…..but because the nurse was new and useless at taking blood, I almost fainted and I was just glad to get out and get home. She struggled to find a vein, and then jiggled the needle around a bit and the blood literally just dripped out like a dripping tap. I went all clammy (not good with needles) and she had to call someone to get me some water. My arm is still badly bruised.

Yankee candles

Day 7 – Thursday 7th January

Found out about a local Pilates class so decided to try it as heard it can be good for back pain. I sometimes get lower back pain. As it was a brand new session there was only the 3 of us there so the instructor could take her time and explain it all to us as we were all newbies. It was good, so booked to attend regularly.


Day 8 – Friday 8th January

Popped round to a friends house. She was my line manager at work when I worked at the Citizens Advice Bureau and we have stayed in touch. Bee enjoyed it and loved this old rocking horse.

Wooden rocking horse

Day 9 – Saturday 9th January

A quiet day at home as going to London tomorrow to see some friends, so did all the washing and things that needed doing today. Popped out to buy some gifts for them and got myself a handbag too! A panasonic Freeview play recorder arrived today that needs to be reviewed!

Panasonic freeview player

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky

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