Project 366 – Week 22

Week 22

Day 150 – Sunday 29th May

Went to a local small zoo with some friends. Did feel like some of the enclosures were a bit small for the bigger animals. Kids had fun though.

Day 151 – Monday 30th May

Went to London to do some shopping. Couldn’t resist some dessert from Creams

Day 152 – Tuesday 31st May

Miserable weather today (had to rain in half term), so the girls got on with some crafts…made some paper lanterns in preparation for Ramadan starting next week.

Day 153 – Wednesday 1st June

Another day of virtually non stop rain. So the girls got on with playing and I managed to use the time to write up a blog post about books for Ramadan which I had been meaning to write for ages!

Day 154 – Thursday 2nd June

A friend was meant to be visiting today but couldn’t make it in the end…….Another miserable day weatherwise so again entertained ourselves at home….and had chocolate!

Day 155 – Friday 3rd June

Today was Munchkin’s 10th Birthday! Really can’t believe I have a 10 year old! It has gone so fast. We had been planning to go Lego Land or Thorpe Park as a birthday treat but the weather has been so bad so promised to take her after Ramadan now. In the evening had a event at Lush which was fun…even got a hand massage.

Day 156 – Saturday 4th June

As it is my birthday tomorrow but hubby is working…we went out to eat today. Got home and dragged him to B&Q to get some compost and plants…and finally finished my tyre planter.

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