Project 366 – Week 33

Week 33

Day 227 – Sunday 14h August

It is Pakistan’s independence day, and the Pakistani community had organised a fun day. Bee had fun doing some sand art.

Day 228 – Monday 15th August

Went to the local park with some friends.

Day 229 – Tuesday 16th August

Visited Warwick Castle today with the girls and nieces. Was a lovely day! The best part was the jousting show. Just found that if you didn’t get to the shows on time you would struggle to see with all the adults in front…

Day 230 – Wednesday 17th August

Today was a day to be a princess! Bee got a princess dress from Warwick Castle and wanted to wear it all day!

Day 231 – Thursday 18th August

Hubby treated us all to dessert in the evening. Wasn’t the best idea though as Bee got a bit hyper!

Day 232 – Friday 19th August

As the annual Hajj is coming up (pilgrimage to Mecca) I got the girls some magazines to read up about it. One day we will all get to go.

Day 233 – Saturday 20th August

A quiet day….Karate in the morning and then just shopping and running errands.


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  • I see the Saudi government has put up the price of their visas which includes the Hajj, my husband travels there regularly and it’s such a complicated process for him to get in

  • laughed at her in the karate suit, that really is a face that says I don’t want my photo taken.
    Nice to join in with things like Independence Day as this will help the girls to learn about their culture. Gosh Mecca must get rather crowded does it not? Again nice for them to learn about this.
    Oh dear at the sugar high from the pudding.
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