Project 366 – Week 48

Week 48

Day 332 – Sunday 27th November

A quiet day. Rosie is keeping me company in the evenings while hubby is away.

Day 333 – Monday 28th November

First proper frost this year. Car was covered in frost and it was apparently -6 overnight.

Day 334 – Tuesday 29th November

Went out for some dessert in the evening with my eldests school friend and her mum who I am friends with too. We needed to get out and have a bit of a laugh and it was nice to get out…even if just for an hour.

Day 335 – Wednesday 30th November

Was tempted to buy this little fella  at Pets at Home…but wouldn’t be able to cope with feeding him live insects! Phoned the hospital today trying to get dad in for his procedure to drain fluid from his stomach. We had been told to ring today…was advised someone would ring me back today. By 3pm no phone call so phoned our GP. He returned the call and said he would chase it in the morning.

Day 336 – Thursday 1st December

No phonecall from the GP in the morning. Gave it until 11 before I lost my temper. Dad was in severe pain overnight and the pain hadn’t gone in the morning (it usually does when he sits up). Phoned the GP saying I will start suing people if anything happens to dad. Phoned hospital, got through the bed coordinator as they could tell I was angry but was told there was no bed and that if Dad gets worse to take him to A&E. I said fine I am taking him right now as he IS worse. Took him to A&E, his pulse was high, he was having trouble breathing, was going yellow but one of the doctors was rude to my sister saying why did you bring him here? This is an emergency department.  However he was admitted and kept in. They had trouble getting his blood out…and poor dad ended up with pricks all over his arms and hands.

Day 337 – Friday 2nd December

Dad phoned in the morning saying they still hadn’t done the procedure and he had a rough night. They were talking about sending him home and then doing the procedure at 8.30am on Saturday. I spoke to the nurse on the phone saying that if he is sent home I will be making a formal complaint via PALS as this is ridiculous. Phoned dad’s consultant and spoke to his secretary. She also could not understand why they would send him home. However thankfully in the evening they had started the drain when my sister went to visit at 7pm.

My oils also arrived today which I had ordered from The Body Shop. I like their Spa of the World range.

Day 338 – Saturday 3rd December

Dad came home in the afternoon after the fluid was drained. Bee went with me and my sister to collect them. They actually drained 7 litres from his abdomen. Can you imagine carrying that around for weeks….it crushing your organs and making it difficult for you to breath, becoming breathless at every little thing, even eating? Having to have family help you get up as your stomach is bulging and your legs are like tree trunks? And they let him suffer this long. The fluid is likely to return due to the liver damage so will have to keep an eye on things. But thankfully for now he is slightly more comfortable.


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