Project 366 – Week 50

Week 50

Day 346 – Sunday 11th December

A quiet Sunday ending with a bedtime story.

Day 347 – Monday 12th December

My friend was craving dessert so another trip to creams dessert parlour in the evening after school! The a spot of late night shopping.

Day 348 – Tuesday 13th December

Hubby returned today after 3 and a half weeks away. Went to the airport alone with Bee. First time driven on my own to Heathrow…managed it without getting lost!

Day 349 – Wednesday 14th December

A day of chilling at home with the hubby. He brought back lots of clothes for the girls and me! And his choices were actually nice!

Day 350 – Thursday 15th December

Took dad to see his consultant. His liver damage is really bad. The fluid is building up again so they need to remove it again. He is saying they are likely to keep him in and do it over a couple of days. They want to place him on water tablets to try to stop the fluid building up quickly but as his kidney’s aren’t at their best it could be dangerous for the kidneys. So they will keep him in for up to a week to give him the tablets and see what effect they have, if any, on the kidneys.

In the afternoon Bee had a look through a CBeebies magazine we have to review.

Day 351 – Friday 16th December

Tried air frying samosas again. I still prefer them deep fried. Samosas in my opinion just need to be deep fried!

Day 352 – Saturday 17th December 

Myself and Bee both have picked up a cold. Hubby came back and I think he picked something up on the plane as he wasn’t well and now it’s been passed on to us. Rosie decided to join me on the sofa for a nap…..which meant I was squashed into the corner. She’s lucky I love her to bits and let her be comfy!

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