Having fun and learning with Cbeebies Magazine

If you have a CBeebies fan in the house like I do, then they are sure to love the CBeebies Magazine. It is packed full of activities and it’s not just fun but is educational too as it supports the Early Years Curriculum.

Cbeebies Magazine

The issue we received is a big colouring issue…and to help with all that colouring, the free gift is a bumper colouring pack. Bee was so excited to see the colours that she immediately set to colouring. She was particularly pleased to see a Bing colouring page as he is currently her favourite!

Bing colouring page

CBeebies colouring

Not only do you get the bumper colouring pack, there are also over 80 stickers in the pack. Bee loves stickers and sticking so she quite happily did her sticking!

Cbeebies Stickers


What I love about the magazine is that it aims to encourage parents and children to learn together. Within the magazine there are different learning areas which include:

  • Creative
  • Let’s Move
  • Literacy
  • Maths
  • Finding Out
  • Communication, language and literacy.

Activities within these areas include things like counting the buttons on the gingerbread man, tracing over some words to practice handwriting and drawing to help with their creativity.

The magazine aims to get the adults involved as much as possible so there is always a grown up section in each learning area:

Cbeebies grown up activites

Other activities include going online to get some recipes to make and choosing a letter of the day and finding objects that begin with that letter sound in the home. It just makes the magazine that bit more interesting when there are more activities the child can do with their adult.

Finally, just like on the CBeebies channel, there is a bedtime hour section. A short story that you and your child can read before bedtime. A perfect way to wind down after working hard on the activities and having fun!

Cbeebies bedtime hour

Bee absolutely loves the magazine. It has her favourite characters in such as Bing, Twirlywoos, Octonauts and many more. In addition to that she loved the colouring in and the stickers.

The CBeebies Magazine is available from newsagents and supermarkets, priced at £3.99 and available fortnightly.


Disclosure: We were sent a copy of the CBeebies magazine for the purposes of review. All thoughts and opinions are our own.

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