Project 365 – March 26 to April 1

Day 85 – Took the girls to the fair as we haven’t done much recently.

Day 86 – Kube Publishing unexpectedly sent me one of their books with a kind message.

Day 87 – Hubby’s friend was visiting from London today as he wanted to visit dad. So a day of cooking and cleaning was started off with some tea!

Day 88 – A rare quiet moment at home when even Rosie came and lay down next to Bee!

Day 89 – Finally got my review of the Kiddicone live yesterday. And as a result of my review they got it touch as they are making some changes including a vegetarian option for the sweets.

Day 90 – Early morning call from mum again as she was struggling with dad. Got the girls ready for school then left them with their dad to take them. Eventually called the paramedics as dad’s confusion was worse then before although not as bad as it has gotten. The paramedics were jokers..and made Bee a glove balloon. They couldn’t see any signs of infection and dads stats were all ok as they could be….so we made the decision not to send him to the hospital for now and the GP could check on him later which he did.

Day 91 – Phoned mum after Bee’s karate lesson and she was upset again and my bro and sis hadn’t yet got there. So I quickly went round to help. Dad still pretty confused. Came home in the afternoon but got a call later on to say dad was now saying he was struggling to breathe. Rushed back and called an ambulance and they took him to hospital to be checked over fully. As it was Saturday night A&E was extremely busy but got some lovely paramedics who looked after both dad and myself until he had a bed and they could leave.

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