Project 365 – July 9 to July 15

July 9 to 15

Day 190 – A quiet Sunday at home. Hubby decided to try making chicken manchurian following a You Tube recipe. It actually turned out pretty good!

Day 191 – My bro brought his dog round to my parents house and Bee of course fell in love and said she wanted a dog too. Apparently the dog doesn’t like getting in the car but when he saw Bee getting in ours when we were leaving for home, he tried to follow her. Mutual love!

Day 192 – I don’t think young kids should have smart phones so I have got my eldest the new Nokia 3310 for when she starts secondary school in September. It arrived today.

Day 193 – Eldest’s final primary school report. So proud of her with comments like: Absolute pleasure to teach…Driven determination to succeed…Role model for others…Great lead-learner…

Day 194 – A quiet day….Bee is bringing home her nursery things like pictures and drawings…making it all real that she will be leaving nursery soon….. All a bit sad so time for cake!

Day 195 – We have been sent Dobble to review, so started working on the review. It’s a pretty fun game.

Day 196 – Bee at karate and eldest at the stables in the morning…then a quiet afternoon at home.

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