Project 365 – June 25 to July 1

Day 176 – Found out last night that Eid will be on Monday, so we put up the rest of the  decorations today. Unfortunately the E popped!

Day 177 – Eid day! Had such a lovely Eid, for once no arguments, no bad moods! We had some food then visited a small zoo that is about 30 minutes away. The meerkats were having a bit of a fight…they seemed to be picking on one individual. Even managed to take dad with us to the zoo, the doctor has given us a wheelchair as dad can’t walk too far these days. Then in the evening we took the girls out for dessert.

Day 178 – Eid technically is 3 days. However the school will only give the eldest one day off…so sent the youngest back to nursery too….collected her from nursery then went and got some Krispy Kreme doughnuts as a treat.

Day 179 – Towards the end of Ramadan I was sent some hand wash and body lotion to check out. But Ramadan was a bit hectic so didn’t really get a chance to take a look at it. Looks nice and although initially I wasn’t sure of the smell it’s grown on me.

Day 180 – A quiet day, used the opportunity in the morning while Bee was at nursery to start thinking about my other project Muslimah Bloggers and try to decide what direction to take it in.

Day 181 – We received an Inflatable Remote Controlled Fluffy from Baldez Toyz to check out. We got the review live today as the new film Despicable 3 also came out too. Can’t wait to go see it.

Day 182 – A relatively quiet day. Bee at karate in the morning and the eldest at the stables. Love saying hello to the horses when I go collect her.

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