Project 365 – October 15 to October 21

Day 288 – Made the most of the weather and tidied up the garden and cleaned the slabs and conservatory. We had initially thought about going out for the day but the tidying up needed doing. As we had so much garden waste as I chopped down some shrubs and big bushes took some of it to my parents to put in their bin and found a baby pigeon on their fence which wasn’t moving at all no matter how close we got to it. We were concerned that a cat may get it overnight as it was almost sunset and eventually it flew off to a nearby tree.

Day 289 – Received some Shnooks to review. Girls think they are so cute!

Day 290 – Bee got her first certificate from school, they picked out the shining stars of this term. And then in the evening it was my eldest’s first parents evening. I came away disappointed…I chose the 6.45pm appointment for the form tutor and 6.55 for the Head of House. Appointments were allocated 5 minutes each with the last one being 6.55. My husband came home from work early and it was a complete waste of time. We arrived at 6.43pm and parents in with the form tutor. 6.55 still in there so we tried head of house who also still had parents. Got in to see the form tutor at 7pm and he turned round and said this is going to have to be quick after spending 20 odd minutes with the other parents. Went down to Head of House and still the same parents…we walked away at 7.10pm thinking this was wasting our time. However, the good news is the form tutor is happy with my eldest, saying she is well behaved and works hard and wishes all his students were like her.

Day 291 – Lunch at school with Bee, a special parent lunch, but not allowed to take photos there. So you have a picture of Rosie on the box because she couldn’t sit in it.

Day 292 – A quiet day at home for once…packed up some parcels to post and then treated myself from the coffee shop next door to the post office.

Day 293 – Eldest got an appointment with the orthodontist. Just a routine check up as there is a one year waiting list for the actual braces. However this suits us as she still has 3 teeth to come out so hopefully by the time we are called back they should all be out.

Day 294 – Bee at mosque in the morning and eldest at horse riding. I got my cars windows tinted and parents had some guests over so a busy day with them. Forgot to take a picture of the car and the food my mum cooked so you have one of the show pony we have been sent to review! Review on the blog soon.

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  • We had a pigeon experience this week too. Thankfully both seem to have ended well. A year’s wait for the orthodontist seems a long time – just as well she isn’t quite ready for it.
    Erica Price recently posted…Week 42: 2017My Profile

  • That parents’ evening situation sounds frustrating, but very familiar! It’s like you’re playing roulette – can you risk going to see the teacher with the later appointment, potentially missing the one in the earlier time slot?! Good news that the tutor is so happy with her though.
    I really need to sort out my garden too, but that’s not going to be happening today – or even this week!
    Sarah MumofThree World recently posted…Silent Sunday 21.10.17My Profile

  • Sounds like a busy week. What a nightmare with the parents evening. I always go for the last appointment and thankfully they’ve always given me longer if needed (plus it’s always abotu 5 mins later).

  • Not a bad idea to visit ortho before needed, as you say top of the list when the right time comes
    Parents evenings in secondary school are hopeless, to many people not enough time. dont blame you for walking.
    Nice to support the primary school by going for lunch and well done to Bee for getting an award.
    Elaine recently posted…Project 365 week 42My Profile