Project 365 – October 22 to October 28

Day 295 – A quiet day at home. Hubby had suggested we go to London Zoo but really wasn’t in the mood for walking around all day…so relaxed at home and hubby cooked. He was a bit shocked as I never usually say no to a day out!

Day 296 – It’s turning into a week, that although it’s half term we are content to stay at home and just recharge the batteries. Today I let the girls watch TV and I did some blog work…wrote about Vitamin D Awareness Week.

Day 297 – Another quiet day – the most we managed was popping out to the shops…got some ice cream.

Day 298 – Went to Leicester to catch up with some whom I haven’t seen in years. Was nice to get out after a few days at home. Found these Oreo biscuits in a new flavour in the shops so had to get some.

Day 299 – Hubby had to get his car fixed so he dropped it off at the garage and then we decided to go London to eat out.

Day 300 – Decided to take the girls to the circus seeing as we haven’t done much this half term. They had fun and it didn’t end till 10pm!

Day 301 – Bee at mosque in the morning and the eldest and I popped to Matalan as Bee needed some leggings. The exotic pet refuge were there with their owls and managed to get a decent pic of one even though he kept turning his face around.

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