Project 365 – Week 4 of 2018

A very uneventful week! Struggled with photos to be honest…and the ones I did capture aren’t that great as wasn’t thinking of Project 365!

Sunday 21 January

It was snowing but had to go out in it. It was the 3rd day since dads friend had passed away. On the 3rd day people get together to pray and have something to eat. It is the first time I have been in this particular mosque and was in awe of the chandelier in there.


Monday 22 January

Bee was happy as she got a certificate from school


Tuesday 23 January

Bee woke up with a slight temperature and was sick after breakfast so no school. She rested up and slept a bit during the day.


Wednesday 24 January

Another day off from school for Bee. She had left her dressing gown on the bedroom floor and Rosie promptly snuggled up with it. Told the girls not to leave clothes on the floor as the cat just ends up going to sleep on them and end up with cat hair all over them! While Bee was resting up I caught up with some blog posts and finally completed a post I have been meaning to do since last year: Teaching Arabic to Children.


Thursday 25 January

Bee was feeling better so sent her off to school. Dad had a scan on his liver so now have to wait to see what the consultant says. Then it was parents evening for the eldest! She is doing great and all the teachers had nothing but praise for her. Bee is learning some every day prayers at mosque….things like before eating, sleeping etc. We often forget to say them so got some of these cards to put up the house to remind us.


Friday 26 January

The fence was finally completed yesterday. Checked the plants today and the rose bushes should survive being squashed but a few of the smaller plants look completely squashed…will have to see if they bounce back, they are pretty tough.


Saturday 27 January

A quiet Saturday. Bee at mosque and eldest at horse riding until 1pm. Then an afternoon again of doing not much except homework and watching some TV. Doesn’t Jim look pretty cool with his plait? I keep forgetting to take polos for them..must remember for next time!

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